Russian Women for You

If you are looking for a Russian bride, we are here to help you.

It is not a "mail order brides". We do not sell any emails or any information of Russian ladies or yours. We provide you with a safe and happy place to meet your Russian love.

You can register for free, place your photo to the photo rating and vote for the pictures of Russian girls who put their photos there.

You can browse the profiles of Russian brides, write your first letters to them or use any other method of getting in touch - send a wink, a postcard, an ice-break.

If a Russian woman on the site likes your picture and rates it at 10 maximum points, you will be notified about it. Then you can take a look at her profile and see if you want to start communication with her.

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During seven years we successfully have been helping people to find their second halves because…

Russian women want to find stability and understanding.

Foreign men got tired of feministic strong women who are doing their best to prove that they are far more better and stronger than men. Of course, no man would like the situation when you have to prove all the time that you are not weak. Men have enough stress in their work and modern life generally to have another source of stress in the face of woman. That’s why they dream to find a nice, caring, loving woman who will support them no matter what happens and who will do her best to build a family and to keep relationships, and not just to ruin them. That’s why they turn to Russia and other Eastern European countries in search of brides. Russian women got tired of attitude of Russian men to them who percept them only as housewives who should cook, clean the house, raise up children, work, look good, etc when the man can do nothing and just use money of his wife to get on well. Russian women dream to find a partner who will see a Woman in them, who will care about them and love them, and who will not just expect that she will do a lot of house work for free. That’s why they turn to the USA and countries of Western Europe in search of life partner.

Foreign men want to find beautiful and caring wife

But of course it is not so easy even if wishes of people correspond because of distance, different cultures and set of mind. That’s why we are here to help people and provide a safe site for meeting each other. We do not arrange tours and introduce women to men, but our managers are always here to support you with our advices and necessary information. We try our best to keep site clean from scammers and people who came here just for fun. All women on the site are real, we check all the women before activation so only profiles of women who passed this check are activated on the site. Our multiple means of communication (chat, photo contests, game, and so on) will help you to meet many beautiful Russian women, from whom you will make your choice. So all you need is to register on the site, upgrade your membership, upload the photos and start communication with the Russian brides who want to find serious relationships. We hope that soon we will be able to add your successful story of finding a Russian wife to our long list of successful stories.

On this dating site you can meet now:

Russian girls ( women, ladies)
Ukranian girls (women, ladies)
Belarus girls (women and ladies)
Kazahstan, Kyrgyzstan, Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia
brides from FSU are looking for men to marry here.

We are a marriage agency and only Russian women and men with serious intentions are welcomed here.

How can I meet a Russian lady if I like her? Do you arrange tours?

If you like some Russian lady, have passed certain period of correspondence on the site with her, called her and decided that you want to meet in real and maybe develop your relationships further then we advise you to go and meet her. It will be better if you go and see the Russian woman in her own country, in that case you will see the woman in her usual conditions, maybe meet her friends and family, and protect yourself from attempts of scammers to take money from you promising that “they will come and see you in your own country, just send the money”. It is really difficult for an average Russian woman to receive visa to some Western country, not because the woman is evil or not eager to go but because governments of western countries make everything possible to protect their countries from possible immigrants. We highly do not recommend send money for a woman to come to see you. Better go and see her in her own country. We do not arrange tours, but if you need some information regarding your future trip we will be glad to help you with it. Also you can order visa at our site to make your trip to the woman of your dreams real.

Right time to exchange contact data to continue correspondence outside our site

We are really happy to hear about successful stories on the site as it is the best provement that our work really helps people to find each other and to start a new happy life. In summer and autumn we have approximately 2-4 weddings a day (they are only those weddings about which we know). In winter we have somewhat less quantity of weddings – around 4 a week. In spring we have around 4-8 weddings a week. The main quantity of weddings is registered from the end of August till the end of October. We are very glad to announce these numbers as they show us the best result of our work – happy couples who found each other using our service, and we really hope that the next wedding in our list will be yours!

I need to get married with a beautiful Russian woman as soon as possible, send me list of candidates and their email addresses asap.

We do not introduce Russian women to men, and we do not sell or give for free emails of our women. You need to register on our site and contact the women that you like by yourself. There are many nice Russian women registered on our site who really want to find a husband abroad, so you will find Your woman soon.

How regular should I write to keep the interest of woman?

There is no strict rules about that, but writing a short letter every day is far more better than writing one long letter a week. If the Russian woman receives some message from you every day she feels that you need her, that you are interested in communicating with her. If she receives one letter a week she will be glad to receive it of course, but she will lose the feeling that you are interested in her after several days not receiving any sign from you.

Your first letter should catch interest of the woman. Our tips on writing the first letter.

First letter is very important because it represents u to the Russian women, who can be your potential partners. So with the first letter you make foundation of all the following correspondence and communication and grab the interest of the woman that you like. Many men are nervous about writing the first letter and make some mistakes, we will try to help you to create the letter that will interest woman for sure. First, introduce yourself, but keep in mind that letter should not be long. Even if the Russian woman will like your photo very much, she will feel lost and tired reading a letter several pages long where some man whom she does not know yet describes all his biography starting from the date of birth and ending with the last vacations in mountains 2 weeks ago. Letter should be not long, probably just several sentences, but it should be informative – write only the most important facts of you – your name, age, job, hobbies, but not more. In the first letter the woman should know only key information about you to know if you can be compatible with her. If you have to tell some interesting facts about you write about them in general, without falling into details. Let the woman ask you for details if she is interested, it will help to build up dialogue.

Personalize your letter. If you send some standard template it will save your time for sure, but quantity of responses will be surprisingly lower than if you read profile of the woman through carefully and write her something regarding her information there. Also you should write name of the woman in the letter for her to feel that you are really writing to her, not just to all the Russian women on the site. You can ask her some question about her involving her into dialogue, but note that questions should not be too much personal and she should not be shy answering them. All women appreciate interest of men about them. But please, take into consideration that such nice words as “sweety”, “sexy” are not advised to be used in the first letter (and in second letter also). You can save them for later stages of correspondence.

There are really many women on the site, but you are writing to this exactly woman. Write her what caught your attention in her profile or in photos, make some compliments, but do not write about her sexy ass or breasts – in this case woman feels that you do not search serious relationships, but just fun, and will not respond. Avoid word “sexy” in the first letter as much as you can. And the most important thing – if the woman did not respond your letter do not attack her and accuse of not responding to you. Look through galleries of Russian brides and for sure you will find somebody else whom you like and who will respond you. First letter is very important because it represents u to the Russian women, who can be your potential partners. So with the first letter you make foundation of all the following correspondence and communication and grab the interest of the woman that you like. Many men are nervous about writing the first letter and make some mistakes, we will try to help you to create the letter that will interest woman for sure.

I heard a lot of stories about Russian wives who leave their husbands after taking their money. How I can be sure that it is not going to happen with me?

If we take 100 Russian girls and 1 will run away with money of her husband nobody will remember about all 99 Russian women who will live happily with their husbands for years - all people will talk about this one woman cursing all Russian girls in her face. Just behave wise, communicate with your woman as much as possible, compare different facts, keep your eyes wide open - if the Russian woman is talking how much she loves you, just send money - then probably this woman loves money more than you and you should listen to your mind first. Do not send money to the girls whom you got to know only through Internet to protect yourself from being scammed. Be active and positive and for sure you will find your happiness.

Visa to Russia

It is quite easy to get visa to Russia for foreigners. You can order visa at our site, all the information you will be able to read on that site.

How to turn virtual relationships in real ones.

Long years of waiting can kill any relationships. If you corresponded several months with a Russian woman and you decided that you would like to meet her in real – then do not make her wait for the day of meeting for years telling in your letters how wonderful it will be. Just come and meet in real. Meanwhile do not only write letters as they can hardly help the woman to see a man behind them. Use chat on our site for instant messaging with the woman, call the woman as often as it is possible. If you cannot afford calling from cellphone or stationary phone then download some instant messenger like Skype, ICQ, MSN and make calls to computer with its help. Send a woman something as a gift – it should not be something expensive or money, it can be just some book, but she will look at it and think of you. Make the woman be sure that you are a real man who has real serious intentions as for her.

How does payment for membership work? Do I pay for every letter or contact?

On our site you pay for the period of membership during which you will be able to communicate with the Russian women from paid galleries. You do not pay for every contact or email address, or letter. If you pay for Silver membership – you will be able to communicate with the Russian women from Free and Silver galleries during the period for which you paid, exchange your contact details with these women. If you pay for Gold membership – you will be able to communicate with the women from all the galleries on the site.

If I bring my Russian wife to USA will she adapt?

Russian women can adapt quite fast. Living conditions in Russia can be quite difficult sometimes, so women mostly have some experience of fighting difficulties. Anyway you should not forget that language barrier can be quite a problem during first months of woman's staying in a foreign country. Even if the woman speaks foreign language not bad it can be not enough to find work, so probably she will need to go to courses to improve her language knowledge and settle some bureaucracy with documents. During this time you should support your woman a lot and not just count how much money you spend for her. Remember that she left everything (her life, work, friends) to stay with you, so respect that and help her to adapt to new living conditions as much as you can.

Find your real love!


Russian women online now

  • online now
    Lianna, 39 y.o. from Ukraine wants to find a man from USA, Europe, Australia

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    Olja, 37 y.o. from Belarus wants to find a man from USA, Europe, Australia
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